-190 C nitrogen blast freezer
widly used in frozen tuna, shrimp, duarian, mango, strawberry, dumplings and so on
our freezer is using the liquid nitrogen as the freezing medium, the lowest temperature can reach at -190℃,
but you can adjust the temperature as your need. our customers often set the temperature at -70℃~-110℃, so the cold
gas nitrogen loop inside of this cabinet freezer, When it is in contact with food, gasification will be able to take heat away
more quickly.The ultra-low temperature and high heat exchange rate achieve a really quick Frozen.
Compare with the traditional air-cooled quick-freezing equipment, liquid nitrogen instant vaporization contact freezing
rate can be improved 5 ~ 10 times, can quickly through the food ice crystals point (0 ~-5 ℃), Food within the rapid
formation of a very small and evenly distributed ice crystals, complete preservation of the cell membrane and cell wall
is not destroyed, the nutrition juice is not lost after thawed, keep the food taste unchanged, and fully maintain the
original flavor of food color, taste, nutritional value.

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